April 15, 2011—Five educational institutions in the St. Croix Valley are set to become signatories to a collaboration agreement for the benefit of area students.
Hudson School District, the School District of River Falls, Wisconsin
Indianhead Technical College, Chippewa Valley Technical College and the University of Wisconsin-River Falls are partnering to form the St. Croix Valley Educational Collaborative (SCVEC).
The group’s purpose is to promote innovation and take action to provide more seamless opportunities for educational attainment and career preparation, as well as building educational bridges to the future for the students, citizens and the regional economy of the greater St. Croix Valley.
A signing ceremony for the SCVEC will be held April 25 from noon-2 p.m. at the UW-River Falls Hudson Center, 2501 Hanley Road, Suite 200, Hudson.
The event is free and open to the public. For more information, contact Mary Bowen-Eggebraaten, superintendent of the Hudson School District, at 715-377-3700.