Dec. 8, 2012— The UW-River Falls Hudson Center was opened in fall 2010 to meet the educational needs of the thousands of adults in the St. Croix Valley with some college credit, but no degree, by offering courses at times and in a location convenient for working adults. With fall 2012 enrollment at an all-time high of 414 students, it is apparent that the Hudson Center is fulfilling its purpose.
One of the largest programs offered at the Hudson Center, the Bachelor of Science adult degree completion (ADC) program in business administration, was launched at the same time as the Hudson Center. The ADC program now enrolls 80 students, and is projected to grow to more than 100 students by summer 2013. Characteristics of students in the ADC program include:
The largest program at the Hudson Center is the master's in business administration (MBA). The MBA program has grown to 128 students and now offers selected courses in an accelerated seven-week format.
Additional offerings scheduled for the Hudson Center include new cohorts of the master's of science in education shared inquiry program, a non-credit entrepreneurial training program, and a newly approved Bachelor of Applied Science adult degree completion program.
The growth of existing programs coupled with the addition of new programs has created the need for expansion. Renovations are underway on an additional 44-seat classroom in the Hudson Center's current location at 2501 Hanley Road. The classroom will be ready for use during the spring 2013 semester.
Additional information on the UW-River Falls Hudson Center, including a full listing of programs offered is available at
For more information, contact Blake Fry, UWRF special assistant to the chancellor, at (715) 425-3711 or