Faculty and Staff

Mary Wright


Mary Wright

member of graduate faculty

Teacher Education
Office: 252 Wyman Teacher Education Bldg
Phone: 715-425-3790



Ph.D. University of Wisconsin-Curriculum and Instruction

M.S.T. University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point-English Education

B.S. University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point -English/Art

Courses Taught:

Middle Secondary Literacy

Secondary Schools & Content Area Reading

Professional Activities:

Professional Affiliations:
National Council of Teachers of English
Wisconsin Council of Teachers of English
Transformative Language Arts


Selected Publications:

Wright, M.F., Wright. B.M., & McMillan, M. (2012). "Art & culturally relevant pedagogy vs. warring words in a race to the frontline" in Educating for Peace in a Time of Permanent War: Are Schools Part of the Problem of the Solution? New York: Routledge.

Wright, M. F. (2010). In Carter, J.B. (Ed.). Rationales for Teaching Graphic Novels. New York: Maupin.


Wright, M. F. & Ryan, K. (2010). Meshing the Personal With the Professional: Digital Storytelling in Higher Education. - International Journal of media, technology, and life-long learning. Vol. 6 (2) Pp. 1-10.


Wright, M.F. & Wright, B. M. (2010). A Holistic View of English Education Through the Lens of Sustainability. English in Australia. V. 45. (1). Pp. 39-46.

Wright, M.F. & Mweti, C. (2009). Living Literature: The Art of Digital Storytelling. The Dragon Lode. 28 (1).

Selected Presentations:

Wright, M.F. (2015). ‘A Between’: Living In the Liminal. Provoking Curriculum Studies Conference. University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia. February 20-21.
Wright, M. F. & Monsour, F. A. (2014). Mixing it Up: Integrating Sustainability Across the Disciplines. OPID - Office of Professional & Instructional Development. University of Wisconsin System. April 17-18.

Wright, M.F. (2013). Digital Composition as Inquiry: Advancing the Common Core. National Council of Teachers of English Conference. Boston, MA. November.  

Wright, M.F. & Monsour, F.A. (2013). The Kinnikinnic Project: Developing Sustainability Learning Outcomes in Higher Education. American Association for Sustainability in Higher Education Conference & Expo: Resiliency and Adadptation. Nashville, TN. October.

Wright, M.F. (2013). Digital Response to Adolescent Literature. Minnesota Council of Teachers of English Spring Conference. Conference Theme: Reaching All Students: Meeting All Standards. Bloomington, MN April 11-12.

Wright, M.F. (2012). War, Peace and Resistance. American Educational Research Conference. Theme: “Non Satis Scire: To Know is Not Enough” Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. April 24.

Wright, M.F. (2011). Comics and Censorship. NECAC New England Comic Arts Conference. Rhode Island College. Providence, RI. March 26.
Wright, M. F. (2011). Five Digital Stories: Negotiating Identity Through Storytelling. University of Wisconsin System Conference. Digital Storytelling in the College Classroom: Lessons Learned. University of Wisconsin-Whitewater. February 11.

Wright, M.F. (2010). Rationales For Graphic Novels: Because Living Literate Lives Means Having the Opportunity To Do So! National Council of Teachers of English. Orlando, FL. November, 19.
Wright, M.F. & Mweti, C. (2009). Round and Round We Go: Re-inventing Storytelling in the Circle of Knowledge. American Educational Research Association Annual Conference. Theme: Disciplined Inquiry: Education Research in the Circle of Knowledge. San Diego, CA. April 16-21.
Wright, M. F. (2009). 21st Century Literacy Strand Participant. National Council of Teachers of English CEE (College English Education ) Conference, “Fast Forward in English Education: Policy Into Practice.” Elmhurst, Illinois. June 19-21st.
Wright, M.F. (2009). Peace Meditation Journaling: A Multi-Modal Dialogue about Peace. The Power of Words Conference: liberation, transformation & celebration through the spoken, written and sung word. Transformative Language Arts Conference. Goddard College. Plainfield, Vermont. September 4-7.

Wright, M.F. (2009). Invited Panelist for Conference, The Artistry of Engagement: Reaching Learners in the Age of Technology” session: The Trickle Down Effect of Digital Storytelling in Higher Education. University of Wisconsin System, LTDC. (Learning Technology Development Council). Madison, Wisconsin. November 4-6.

About Mary Wright

My journey into teacher education was grounded in middle school English for thirteen years. Coordinating the Gifted and Talented Program K-6, opened my eyes to the wide spectrum of students' talents and abilities in the classroom. At the University of Wisconsin, I studied curriculum and instruction while delving into arts based ways of reflecting on teacher identity. I held a teaching assistantship as a liaison for the University of Wisconsin Madison Professional Development School Program, holding on-site seminars as a way of problemetizing practice.  At the University of Wisconsin-River Falls within the Teacher Education Department I teach Secondary Literacy in the Content Areas, Adolescent Literature and the New Literacies for the Elementary in Initial Licensure Program and Secondary Literacy Methods for the Reading Program. In addition, I help coordinate the Apprenticeship Teaching Model for a cohort of secondary student teachers, seeking to bridge the gap between theory and practice. I am a member of the Sustainability Working Group on campus, and helped coordinate the first Sustainability Across the Curriculum Workshop, now known as "The Kinnickinnic Project" and helped to found the Sustainability Faculty Fellows committee, which is working to integrate sustainability into Higher Education Curriculum.

Areas of Interest

Arts-Based Narrative and Inquiry Multimodal

Response to Literature Teaching Language and Literacy Through the Arts

Sustainability Peace Education Curricular Reform   

Awards and Honors:

2010 College of Education and Professional Studies Research Award 2006 University of Minnesota Duluth Outstanding Faculty Member nomination
1998 Wisconsin Council of Teachers of English Robert C. Pooley Research Award: "Shakespeare's Garden: Cultivating the Humanities in a Studio/Workshop Environment."
1997 Wisconsin Humanities Council, Wisconsin Humanities Council's Governor's Award for Excellence in K-12 Humanities Education 1996 Wisconsin Council of Teachers of EnglishJarvis E. Bush Award for Successful Techniques in Teaching Composition
1995 Wisconsin Council of Teachers of English,  Lucile S. Pooley Award For Creative Teaching of English Language Arts
1995 National Endowment For the Humanities Summer Seminar ScholarshipNathaniel Hawthorne's Major Novels. Bellingham, Washington. July.