Faculty and Staff

Varghese, Tony


Tony Varghese

Department Chair, Professor
member of graduate faculty

Start Year: 2002

Computer, Information, and Data Sciences
Office: 23e South Hall
Phone: 715-425-4697



Ph.D. University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, Biomedical Engineering, 1992
M.S. University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, Electrical Engineering, 1987
B.S. University of Wisconsin Platteville, Platteville, WI, Electrical Engineering, 1983

Courses Taught:

Dr. Varghese has taught classes that use C, C++, Java, C#, JavaScript, Python, Smalltalk and Ada among other languages.

  • Spring 2022: CIDS 435 Computer and Information Security
  • Fall 2022 (planned):
    • CIDS 373 Bioinformatics (also BIOT 373)
    • CIDS 429 Operating Systems
    • CYB 740 Incident Resp or CYB 755 Secure Admin
  • Spring 2023 (planned):
    • CIDS 337 Computer Graphics
    • CIDS 435 Computer and Information Security
    • CYB 765 Cybersec Mgmt

Dr. Varghese is the Academic Director on the UWRF campus for the online Master of Science in Cybersecurity program offered through the UW-Extended Campus.

Research Interests:

Dr. Varghese's research involves the simulation of biological systems, specifically cellular electrophysiology and bioinformatics. He uses Mathematical Modeling, Numerical Methods for Differential Equations, and High-Performance Computing to address research problems in the area of Cellular Electrophysiology.

With the help of numerous collaborators in academia and industry, he also uses the techniques of Cell culture, Immunochemistry, and Molecular Biology: PCR, siRNA. He started using C++ and Java as soon as they were available and developed object-oriented code for a startup named Physiome Sciences while in the UK in the 1990s followed by stints developing code at Medtronic Inc. and Endocardial Solutions Inc. (now part of St Jude Medical).

More recently, he has been working with Dr. Zlesak in Horticulture on roses.


Articles in Journals

Varghese, A., Mann, S., Benn, D., Tan, P., Vandenberg, J. I., Hill, A. P. (in press). A hERG gating model incorporating mode-shift and the effects of N-terminal LQTS2 mutations. Biophisical Journal, Cell Press.

Zlesak, DC,, Van Schaick, J, Varghese, A, et al. (2019) SNP markers linked to sex in dioecious Rosa setigera Michx. Acta Horticulturae, 1232, 33-39.

Varghese, A et al. (2018) A hERG gating model incorporating mode-shift and the effects of N-terminal LQTS2 mutations. In: The Heart by Numbers, Biophysical Society.

Varghese, A. (2016). Reciprocal modulation of IK1-INa extends excitability in cardiac ventricular cells. Frontiers in Physiology, 7, 542.

Varghese, A., Spindler, A. J., Paterson, D., Noble, D. (2015). Rate Dependent Activation Failure in Single Cells and Tissue due to Na Channel Block. American Journal of Physiology, 309(10), H1753–H1763.

Zhao JT, Hill AP, Varghese A, Cooper AA, Swan HP, Laitenen J, Rees M., Skinner JR, Campbell TF, and Vandenberg JI (2009). Not All Pore Domain Mutations Have a Severe Phenotype: G584S Has an Inactivation Gating Defect with Mild Phenotype Compared to G572S, Which Has a Dominant Negative Trafficking Defect and a Severe Phenotype. Journal of Cardiovascular hERG, 20, 923-930.