Visit the Social Work Department to learn more about this program.
Fall Semester | Spring Semester | |
Freshman Year |
Gen Ed Reading/Writing CW (ENGL 100) - 3 |
Gen Ed Speaking/Listening CS (COMS 101) - 3 |
Sophomore Year |
Gen Ed Advanced Communication CA (ENGL 200) - 3 |
SOWK 215 Human Behavior and Social Environment - 3 |
Junior Year |
SOWK 324 Theory and Practice of Social Work I - 3 |
SOWK 300 Research Methods - 3 |
Senior Year |
SOWK 424 Advanced Interviewing |
SOWK 426 Theory and Practice of Social Work III - 3 |
Summary of Degree Requirements |
General Education - 29-33 cr. |
This academic plan is an example of how students might choose to fulfill program requirements within a period of four years. After consulting with their advisers students may make other course choices which would meet the program requirements and be more suitable for them. |