College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences

Learning Objectives Guidelines

A set of learning objectives will be developed specifically for each individual internship. The learning objectives should reflect what the student will learn/experience while on the internship placement. It is useful to keep in mind the unique nature and opportunities of each placement as well as the position description as specified by the employer and job duties discussed during the interview process.

Learning objectives should include

  • 6 or more objectives that are focused on the technical aspects and skills related to the discipline.
  • 3-4 objectives that are focused on business related issues and/or organizational functions.
  • 3-4 objectives that are focused on communication skills (internal and external lines of business communications and interpersonal communications).

Hints for developing objective statements

Start each with an active verb such as:

  • Develop
  • Enhance
  • Expand
  • Gain
  • Demonstrate
  • Strengthen
  • Participate
  • Create

Then describe what it is you want to learn or experience. The following are often helpful in describing objectives:

  • Experience
  • Ability
  • Knowledge
  • Understand
  • Insight (specific skills)


  • Gain experience in creating on-the-spot landscape designs for clientele.
  • Enhance my ability to accurately diagnose plant problems including cultural, disease and pest related problems.
  • Expand my plant identification skills including plant specific cultural practices.
  • Gain an understanding of the inventory control process.
  • Strengthen my interpersonal communication skills with customers.

Indicators of Achievement

Demonstrate the ability to discuss and/or perform each objective.

CAFES Internship Office
210 Agricultural Science

Dr. Eric Sanden, Internship Director

PDF version of Guidelines

Contact Us

College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences
Fax 715-425-3785
210 Agricultural Science
611 S. 3rd St.
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