
Motions 2017-2018

Motion 1:  Motion from Academic Programs and Policy Committee to approve the program change for the Business Administration - Finance Option. (July 31, 2017)

Motion 2:  Motion from Academic Programs and Policy Committee to approve the program change for the Business Administration - Management Option. (July 31, 2017)

Motion 3:  Motion from Academic Programs and Policy Committee to approve the program change for the Business Administration - Marketing Option. (July 31, 2017)

Motion 4:  Motion from Academic Programs and Policy Committee to approve the program change for the Business Administration - Professional Sales Option. (July 31, 2017)

Motion 5:  Motion from Academic Programs and Policy Committee to approve the program change for the Business Administration program. (July 31, 2017)

Motion 6:  Motion from Academic Programs and Policy Committee to approve the program change for the Mathematics program. (July 31, 2017)

Motion 7:  Motion from Academic Programs and Policy Committee to approve the program change for the TESOL M.A. program. (July 31, 2017)

Motion 8:  Motion from Academic Programs and Policy Committee to approve the program change for the Biology - Biomedical Science Option. (July 31, 2017)

Motion 9:  Motion from Academic Programs and Policy Committee to approve the program change for the Biology - General Biology Option. (July 31, 2017)

Motion 10:  Motion from Academic Programs and Policy Committee to approve the program change for the Biology - Field Biology Option. (July 31, 2017)

Motion 11:  Motion from Executive Committee to create the search and screen committee for the position of Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs. (July 31, 2017)

Motion 12:  Motion from the Executive Committee to allow the FAR member Jennifer Willis-Rivera to serve as chair of the Athletic committee. (September 14, 2017)

Motion 13:  Motion from the Executive Committee to approve the following committee chair appointments. (September 14, 2017)

Motion 14:  Motion from the Executive Committee to approve the following administrative committee appointments. (September 14, 2017)

Motion 15:  Motion from the Termination Committee to approve the following addition to Chapter III.U.4.a (September 14, 2017) -- [election of chair]

Motion 16:  Motion from the Distance Education committee to approve the following ad hoc committee. (September 14, 2017) -- [with budgeting charge]

Motion 17:  Motion from the Calendar Committee to move the date of commencement in May 2018 to Saturday, May 12, 2018. (September 14, 2017)

Motion 18:  Motion from the Executive Committee to approve the creation of the UWRF Competition Review Committee as follows, adding it to Chapter II, 2.8.5 and renumbering as appropriate. (September 14, 2017)

Motion 19:  Motion from the Executive Committee to approve the following search and screen committee structure and faculty appointments for a new PS Manager in DoTS. (September 14, 2017)

Motion 20:  Motion from the Executive Committee on behalf of the ad hoc Distance Education committee, to add a fourth bullet point to the focused mission, vision, values, under "values." (September 14, 2017) -- [modes and methods of instruction]

Motion 21:  Motion from the Executive Committee to approve the following committee chair appointment for Diversity and Inclusivity Committee. (October 4, 2017)

Motion 22:  Motion from the Executive Committee to approve the following standing committee appointments for 2017-2018. (October 4, 2017)

Motion 23:  Motion from the Executive Committee to confirm Academic Staff Council's appointments to committees. (October 4, 2017)

Motion 24:  Motion from the Executive Committee to appoint the following to the respective administration committees.(October 4, 2017)

Motion 25:  Motion from Executive Committee to appoint the following people to the "Autism Transition Task Force". (October 4, 2017)

Motion 26:  Motion from the Executive Committee to approve the 2017-2018 Committee Charges. (October 4, 2017)

Motion 27:  Motion from the ad hoc Distance Education Committee to approve the following ad hoc faculty appointments. (October 4, 2017) [for the budgeting charge]

Motion 28:  Motion from the Executive Committee to appoint the Chair of Faculty Senate to the UWRF Competition Review Committee for 2017-2018. (October 4, 2017)

Motion 29:  Motion from the Executive Committee to appoint the following to the Search and Screen Committee for the Director of Athletics. (October 4, 2017)

Motion 30:  Motion from the Executive Committee to appoint the following to the Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Search and Screen Committee. (October 4 2017)

Motion 31:  Motion from the Provost/Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs to appoint the following faculty member to the McNair Director Search and Screen Committee. (October 4, 2017)

Motion 32:  Motion from Executive Committee to approve the following committee appointments to Standing Committees, ad hoc committee search and screen for Director of Athletics, and Administrative Committee. (October 13, 2017)

Motion 33:  Motion from Executive Committee to have the Chair of the Executive Committee to temporarily step in the AP&P Committee Chair role for a period of nine weeks. (October 13, 2017)

Motion 34:  Motion from the Assessment Committee to approve the attached revisions to Article IV: Assessment, Section 4.1: Assessment Plan Elements for Evaluating Assessment Plans. (October 13, 2017)

Motion 35:  Motion from the Executive Committee to approve the following committee appointments made by Academic Staff Council. (November 3, 2017)

Motion 36:  Motion from the Executive Committee to approve the following committee appointments. (November 3, 2017)

Motion 37:  Motion from the Executive Committee to approve Jennifer Willis-Rivera as Chair of the search and screen for Athletic Director. (November 3, 2018)

Motion 38:  Motion from the Executive Committee to grant the "Ad Hoc Technology, Budget, and Planning Committee" an extension of their deadline until December 6, 2017. (November 3, 2017)

Motion 39: Motion from the Executive Committee to approve an ad hoc committee on Instructional Academic Staff Review. (November 3, 2017)

Motion 40:  Motion from Academic Programs and Policy Committee to approve proposed course designator change: Stage and Screen Arts. (November 13, 2017)

Motion 41:  Motion from Academic Programs and Policy Committee to approve proposed new course designator: English/English Language Transition. (November 14, 2017)

Motion 42:  Motion from Academic Programs and Policy Committee to approve proposed change: revisions to the Women's and Gender Studies Program. (November 13, 2018)

Motion 43:  Motion from Academic Programs and Policy Committee to approve proposed program change: revisions to the Exercise and Sport Science program. (November 13, 2017)

Motion 44:  Motion from Academic Programs and Policy Committee to approve proposed program change: revisions to the Agricultural Education program. (November 13, 2017)

Motion 45:  Motion from Executive Committee to approve the following committee appointment made by Academic Staff Council. (November 13, 2017)

Motion 46:  Motion from the Executive Committee to remove the following three passages from the Faculty and Staff Handbook ( 4: The phrase "organizational chart" at the beginning of Chapter II, and 4.1.10-Vice Chancellors and Deans. (November 13, 2017)

Motion 47:  Motion from the Executive Committee to replace Holly Dolliver with Matt Digman on the Professional Services Manager Search and Screen Ad Hoc Committee. (November 13, 2017)

Motion 48:  Motion from the Executive Committee to appoint Ben Seipel to the Ability Services search and screen committee. (November 13, 2017)

Motion 49:  Motion from the Executive Committee to appoint Kathy Tomlinson, Chair of Mathematics Department, to the ad hoc Committee on Instructional Academic Staff. (November 13, 2017)

Motion 50:  Motion from the Executive Committee to appoint Dawn Hukai as the CBE representative to the Sustainability Working Group Standing Committee. (November 13, 2017)

Motion 51:  Motion from Academic Programs and Policy Committee to approve proposed program change: revisions to the CAFES Marketing Communication major program. (November 13, 2017)

Motion 52:  Motion from the Executive Committee to approve the following committee structure and appointments to the ad hoc Search and Screen for Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences. (November 13, 2017)

Motion 53:  Motion from the Executive Committee to approve the following committee structure and appointments to the ad hoc Performance Survey Working Groups for evaluating the Deans of CBE and CAFES. (November 13, 2017)

Motion 54:  Motion from Academic Programs and Policy Committee to approve proposed program change: M.S. Clinical Exercise Physiology. (November 28, 2017)

Motion 55:  Motion from the Executive Committee to approve the faculty appointment of Kevyn Juneau to the McNair Coordinator Search and Screen. (November 28, 2017)

Motion 56:  Motion from the Executive Committee to appoint Fred Bonilla as CAS representative to the PP-PAR Engagement Committee. (November 28, 2017)

Motion 57:  Motion from the Executive Committee to replace Hossein Najafi with Jacob Hendricks on the URSCA Council. (November 28, 2017)

Motion 58: Motion from the Executive Committee to appoint Stacy Karl as Wes's Chapin's designee as Director of Institutional Research on the Assessment Committee. (November 28, 2017)

Motion 59:  Motion from Academic Programs and Policy Committee to approve proposed curriculum reorganization: Communications and Media Studies. (November 28, 2017)

Motion 60:  Motion from the Executive Committee to remove 2.8.17 Distinguished Teacher of the Year Committee from the Faculty and Staff Handbook. (November 28, 2017)

Motion 61:  Motion from the Executive Committee to approve the following committee structure for the ad hoc Search and Screen for Director of Alumni Relations. (November 28, 2017)

Motion 62:  Motion from the Executive  Committee to approve the following committee structure for the ad hoc Search and Screen for Advancement Officer. (November 28, 2017)

Motion 63:  Motion from the Executive Committee to approve the faculty appointments of Alumni director search, External Relations Committee membership, and Advancement Officer search. (December 14, 2017)

Motion 64:  Motion from the Executive Committee to appoint Tammy Kincaid as Chair of Academic Programs and Policies Committee for Spring of 2018. (December 14, 2017)

Motion 65:  Motion from the Executive Committee to approve the following faculty appointments to the search and screen for Dean of CAS. (December 14, 2017)

Motion 66:  Motion from the Executive Committee to approve the addition of Jody Sather to the search and screen for the Dean of CAS as representative for University Staff Senate. (December 14, 2017)

Motion 67:  Motion from the Executive Committee to approve the following committee charges. (December 14, 2017)

Motion 68:  Motion from the Executive Committee to approve the following change to the Faculty and Staff Handbook, 2.3.4 (International Education). (December 14, 2017) -- [description of duties]

Motion 69:  Motion from the Executive Committee to approve the following change to the Faculty and Staff Handbook, 2.8.5 (Experience China Advisory Committee). (December 14, 2017) -- [description of duties]

Motion 70:  Motion from the Executive Committee to approve the following change to the Faculty and Staff Handbook, 2.8.20 (Wisconsin in Scotland/Experience Scotland Committee). (December 14, 2017) -- [description of duties]

Motion 71:  Motion from the Executive Committee to approve the following change to the Faculty and Staff Handbook, 2.8.21 (Experience Puebla Committee). (December 14, 2017) -- [description of duties, membership]

Motion 72:  Motion from the Executive Committee to approve the following changes to the Faculty and Staff Handbook, Chapter 3, Section III, Section P (International Programs Committee). (December 14, 2017) -- [membership]

Motion 73:  Motion from the Executive Committee to approve the following changes to the Faculty and Staff Handbook, 9.6 (Education Abroad Programs). (December 14, 2017) -- [updates name of office and website]

Motion 74:  Motion from the Executive Committee to approve the following committee structure and membership for the ad hoc Search and Screen for Director of the Library. (December 14, 2017)

Motion 75:  Motion from Faculty Welfare and Personnel Policies Committee to approve the changes to Chapter 5.2.4 and 5.2.5 (Special Merit and Equity Pool). (December 14, 2017)

Motion 76:  Motion from Faculty Welfare and Personnel Policies Committee to approve changes to Chapter 5.3 and the accompanying Merit Evaluation Form for Faculty. (December 14, 2017)

Motion 77: Motion from the Executive Committee to approve the appointment of Brenda Boetel as Chair of the Faculty Compensation Committee. (March 20, 2018)

Motion 78: Motion from the Executive Committee to appoint Grace Coggio to replace Brad Mogen to the Faculty Compensation Committee for the remainder of that term. (March 20, 2018)

Motion 79: Motion from the Executive Committee to approve the following committee charges, Academic Standards-review and consider motion to create a new section of the Faculty and Staff Handbook, 9.2.42 and delete the second bullet point of and Faculty Welfare and Personnel Policies-review the Director of Human Resources' request to incorporate UW System's RPD 14-8 into the Faculty and Staff Handbook. (March 20, 2018)

Motion 80:  Motion from the Executive Committee to approve the appointment of John Heppen to the General Education and University Requirements Committee. (March 20, 2018)

Motion 81: Motion from the Executive Committee to approve the appointment of Melanie Ayers to the CAS Dean Search and Screen ad hoc committee. (March 20, 2018)

Motion 82: Motion from the Executive Committee to approve the appointment of Michael Harris as chair of the CAS Dean Search and Screen ad hoc committee. (March 20, 2018)

Motion 83: Motion from Executive Committee to approve the following committee charges: Academic Programs and Policies-status change request, Academic Standards-change grade policy, Academic Standards- changes to 9.2.33. (March 20, 2018)

Motion 84: Motion from the Faculty Compensation Committee to approve the following change to (chair compensation for IAS) of the Faculty and Staff Handbook. (March 24, 2018) -- DISAPPROVED

Motion 85: Motion from Executive Committee to approve the following changes to the Faculty and Staff Handbook, Chapter III, 3.4 Policies, Procedures, Processes, and Guidelines, Article VII: Compensation Issues, 7.3 - Compensation for Education Abroad Faculty. (March 20, 2018)

Motion 86: Motion from Executive Committee to approve the following changes to the Faculty and Staff Handbook, Chapter V, 5.1 Compensation Issues- - Compensation for Short Term Education (Study) Abroad Faculty. (March 20, 2018)

Motion 87: Motion from the Academic Standards Committee to create a new section of the Faculty and Staff Handbook, 9.2.42., and to delete the second bullet point of (March 20, 2018) -- [Graduate Admissions criteria and requirements]

Motion 88: Motion from the Executive Committee to approve the IAS Merit Review process and documentation. (March 20, 2018)

Motion 89: Motion from Executive Committee to approve the addition of the Medical Emergency Appeals Committee description to the Faculty and Staff Handbook.  (April 4, 2018)

Motion 90: Motion from the Executive Committee to approve the following faculty appointments to the OIE Director Search and Screen as hoc Committee. (March 20, 2018)

Motion 91: Motion from the Executive Committee to approve the appointment of Paul Shirilla as Chair of the OIE Director search and screen committee. (March 20, 2018)

Motion 92: Motion from the Strategic Progress and Planning Committee to approve the attached 2018-19 SPPC proposals. (March 20, 2018)

Motion 93: Motion from the Calendar Committee to approve the proposed 2020-21 Academic Calendar. (March 20, 2018)

Motion 94: Motion from Academic Programs and Policies Committee to approve the proposed program change for Animal Science-Companion Animal Option. (April 3, 2018)

Motion 95: Motion from Academic Programs and Policies Committee to approve the proposed program change for Animal Science-Equine Option. (April 3, 2018)

Motion 96: Motion from Academic Programs and Policies Committee to approve the proposed program change for minor in Equine Studies. (April 3, 2018)

Motion 97: Motion from Executive Committee to approve the revisions to Chapter 1 of the Faculty and Staff Handbook. (April 3, 2018)

Motion 98:Motion from Executive Committee to approve the revisions to Chapter 5 of the Faculty and Staff Handbook. (April 3, 2018)

Motion 99: Motion from Assessment Committee to approve revision to Chapter 3, 3.3, Article III section E. (April 3, 2018) -- [duties]

Motion 100: Motion from Academic Standard Committee to approve the addition to to the Faculty and Staff Handbook and to amend 9.2.33. (April 3, 2018) -- [Undergraduate Credit Transfer Evaluation]

Motion 101: Motion from Faculty Welfare and Personnel Policies Committee to approve changes to 8.12 Nepotism in the Faculty and Staff Handbook.

Motion 102: Motion from Faculty Welfare and Personnel Policies Committee to approve the changes to 8.9 Statement on Consensual Relationships in the Faculty and Staff Handbook. (April 3, 2018)

Motion 103: Motion from the Executive Committee to approve the following committee chair appointments for 2018-19. (April 25, 2018)

Motion 104: Motion from the Executive Committee to approve the following administrative appointment of faculty to IRB. (April 25, 2018)

Motion 105: Motion from Executive Committee to approve Chapter 3.3.3, Article III, Section A Academic Program and Policy Committee, 3 Duties f. (April 25, 2018)

Motion 106: Motion from Executive Committee to approve the appointments to the search and screen committee for a new Institutional Review person. (April 25, 2018)

Motion 107: Motion from Executive Committee to approve the revisions to Chapter 2 of the Faculty and Staff Handbook. (April 25, 2018)

Motion 108: Motion from Executive Committee to approve the revisions to Chapter 7 of the Faculty and Staff Handbook. (April 25, 2018)

Motion 109: Motion from Executive Committee to approve Jim Madsen and Karl Peterson to the Faculty Hearing, Grievance, and Appeals Committee. (April 25, 2018)

Motion 110: Motion from the Executive Committee to approve Ian Williams as Chair of Academic Program and Policy Committee. (April 25, 2018)

Motion 111: Motion from Academic Program and Policy Committee to approve proposed program change to the Coaching minor. (April 25, 2018)

Motion 112: Motion from Academic Program and Policy Committee to approve the proposed program change to the Professional and Organizational Communication minor. (April 25, 2018)

Motion 113: Motion from Academic Program and Policy Committee to approve the proposed program change to the Exercise and Sport Science major. (April 25, 2018)

Motion 114: Motion from Academic Program and Policy Committee to approve proposed program change to the Psychology Major-Health Option. (April 25, 2018)

Motion 115: Motion from Academic Program and Policy Committee to approve proposed change to the Psychology Major-IO Option. (April 25, 2018)

Motion 116: Motion from Academic Program and Policy Committee to approve proposed program change to the Psychology major-Mental Health Options. (April 25, 2018)

Motion 117: Motion from Academic Program and Policy Committee to approve the proposed change to the Psychology Major-Social Justice Option. (April 25, 2018)

Motion 118: Motion from Academic Program and Policy Committee to approve proposed change to the Psychology Major. (April 25, 2018)

Motion 119: Motion from the Academic Advising Committee to approve the changes to 2.8.18 and Chapter 3.3.3 Article C, section 3 in the Faculty and Staff Handbook. (April 25, 2018) -- [duties]

Motion 120: Motion from Sustainability Working Group to approve the change to Chapter 3.3.3, Article III, Section S. (April 25, 2018) -- [membership]

Motion 121: Motion from Executive Committee to approve the revisions to Chapter 3 of the Faculty and Staff Handbook. (April 25, 2018)

Motion 122: Motion from Executive Committee to approve the revisions to Chapter 8 of the Faculty and Staff Handbook. (April 25, 2018)

Motion 123: Motion from Executive Committee to approve the revisions to Chapter 10 of the Faculty and Staff Handbook. (April 25, 2018)

Motion 124: Motion from Academic Standards Committee to approve the changes to the attendance policy 9.2.13 in the Faculty and Staff Handbook. (April 25, 2018)

Motion 125: Motion from Faculty Compensation Committee to approve the change to Department Chairs Compensation Policy. (April 25, 2018)

Motion 126: Motion from Faculty Welfare and Personnel Policies Committee to amend the Faculty and Staff Handbook by adding Section 4.14 Distance Learning Requirements. (April 25, 2018)

Motion 127: Motion from the Faculty Welfare and Personnel Policies Committee to amend the Faculty and Staff Handbook by adding the language to Section 9.1.1 Load. (April 25, 2018)

Motion 128: Motion from Academic Program and Policy Committee to approve the program change for the Chemistry-Chemistry program. (May 10, 2018)

Motion 129: Motion from Academic Program and Policy Committee to approve the program change for the Chemistry-Biochemistry program. (May 10, 2018)

Motion 130: Motion from Academic Program and Policy Committee to approve the program change for the Chemistry-Biochemistry-Preprofessional program. (May 10, 2018)

Motion 131: Motion from Academic Program and Policy Committee to approve the program change for the Master of Business Administration program. (May 10, 2018)

Motion 132: Motion from Academic Program and Policy Committee to approve the program change for the MSE-Mathematics Secondary Education program. (May 10, 2018)

Motion 133: Motion from Academic Program and Policy Committee to approve the program change for the MSE-PDLC program. (May 10, 2018)

Motion 134: Motion from Executive Committee to approve the appointment of Simon Jette Nantel and Maureen Olle-LaJoie as co-chairs for the Year of...Committee. (June 3, 2018)

Motion 135: Motion from the Executive Committee to approve the changes to Chapter 4 of the Faculty and Staff Handbook. (May 10, 2018)

Motion 136: Motion from the Executive Committee to approve changes to Chapter 9 of the Faculty and Staff Handbook. (May 10, 2018)

Motion 137: Motion from Faculty Compensation Committee to approve revision to Chapter III 3.4, Article VII, Section 7.6 Salary Adjustment Plan of the Faculty and Staff Handbook. (May 10, 2018)

Motion 138: Motion from Academic Program and Policy Committee to approve the changes to Chapter 3, 3.3, Article III, Section A. (May 10, 2018) -- [duties]

Motion 139:*Motion 139 was rescinded and instead recast and approved as Resolution 8 (May 10, 2018)*

Motion 140: Motion from Graduate Studies Curriculum Committee to approve the addition to Chapter 3, 3.3, Article III, Section O, 5. Procedure and to re-number existing material in the section. (May 10, 2018) -- [email contact]

Motion 141: Motion from Faculty Welfare and Personnel Policies Committee to amend Chapter 4 to add the new paragraph after the list of criteria for consideration of an early tenure decision of the Faculty and Staff Handbook. (May 10, 2018)

Motion 142: Motion from Faculty Welfare and Personnel Policies Committee to amend Chapter 4, Section 5.5.3 of the Faculty and Staff Handbook. (May 10, 2018) -- [Uniform Survey Instrument]

Motion 143: Motion from the Executive Committee to approve the change to Chapter 1, 1.9 Budgeting. (May 10, 2018)

Motion 144: Motion from Academic Program and Policy Committee to approve the change to Chapter 3.3.3, Article III, Section A: Academic Program and Policy Committee, 3. Duties. (May 10, 2018)

Motion 145: Motion from Executive Committee to approve the request from GEC to amend chapter 1..5.5 of the Faculty and Staff Handbook. (May 10, 2018) -- [Graduate Studies degrees list, certificates list, and mission]


Resolution 1: Resolution Rejecting Bigotry, Racism, Anti-Semitism, and other Forms of Discriminatory Behavior at UWRF

Resolution 2: Regarding Instructional Academic Staff Contractual Pay Increase

Resolution 3:  Regarding Regent Policy Document 6-4, "Selection Process for System President, Vice Chancellors and UW System Senior Leadership Positions"

Resolution 4: Resolution Requesting the UWRF Chancellor Not Withhold 15% from the 2017-19 Pay Plan for Discretionary Use

Resolution 5: Resolution Condemning Program Maintenance by Administrative Fiat in the UW System

Resolution 6: Resolution in response to the legislative requirement for UW System faculty to report teaching credit hours on a website to allegedly improve faculty involvement in undergraduate instruction.

Resolution 7: Resolution to return the Position of Chief Diversity Officer at UWRF and Abandon the "Distributed Model".

Resolution 8: Resolution in support of improvements in Inclusivity and Belonging for Instructional Academic Staff.