Student Conduct Process - Academic Misconduct


UWS Chapter 14 Investigation Process at UW-River Falls

Academic Misconduct Process - Flow Charts

Academic Misconduct

Group A:

  • Written or oral reprimand
  • Assignment to repeat work

Group B:

  • Lower or failing grade on the assignment/exam
  • Lower or failing grade in the course
  • Removal from the course
  • Written reprimand placed in the student's disciplinary file

Group C:

  • Disciplinary probation
  • Suspension or expulsion

Note: An instructor can choose more than one sanction for academic misconduct. The sanctions imposed can be a combination of sanctions from the different sanctioning groups. 

If your instructor suggests a group "C" sanction:

  • Your instructor will inform you of their decision via a formal letter outlining the appropriate sanction(s). This formal letter will contain:
    • The violation for which you were found responsible.
    • A summary of the evidence used to make that determination.
    • An outline of the sanctions recommended for the violation.
  • The formal letter will be forwarded to the DOS Office, who will create a student conduct case and conduct an investigation into the alleged misconduct. The DOS Office may meet with the student, the instructor, and any relevant witnesses in the course of their investigation. It is important that you communicate with the DOS Office and attend any scheduled meetings.
  • Once the DOS Office has concluded their investigation, they will prepare an investigative report outlining their findings and recommending sanctions, if necessary. The DOS Office will notify you of their findings via a formal letter. Possible outcomes of their investigation, should you be found responsible, include:
    • all sanctions from group A
    • all sanctions from group B
    • disciplinary probation* 
    • suspension** 
    • expulsion**

*If disciplinary probation is determined to be the appropriate sanction, you have 10 days from the date of the formal letter to request a hearing. If you choose not to request a hearing, the sanction is final. 

**If suspension or expulsion is determined to be an appropriate sanction, a hearing will be automatically scheduled with a hearing board or hearing examiner.

The student will recieve the formal findings letter via email and hard copy. This letter will contain:

  • The violation for which the student was found responsible 
  • A summary of the evidence used to make that determination 
  • An outline of the sanctions deemed appropriate for the violation 
  • The appeal process should the student choose to file an appeal of the decision 
  • If a hearing must be automatically scheduled, or due to student request, a hearing will be scheduled on the student's behalf. Academic misconduct hearings are conducted by either a hearing board (two faculty/staff members and one student) or hearing examiner (one faculty/staff member).
  • After the academic misconduct hearing has concluded, the hearing board/examiner determines the student's responsibility for the violation(s). The student is notified of the decision within 14 days of the hearing.
    • If the student is found not responsible the case is closed and has no negative affect on the student's disciplinary conduct record.
    • If the student is found responsible for at least one violation, they are notified via a formal letter outlining the following:
      • the case findings
      • the Hearing Board/Examiner's rationale for their decision
      • all sanction information

The Hearing Process