• Erik, Josh, and Richard in Hallway
  • F on tests
  • Tyler in Classroom
  • Josie in Office

Pass or Fail (2015)

Pass or Fail (2015)

A Falcon Web Series (Stage And Screen Arts 389) four episode production.


Watch Episodes

Video Thumbnail 02Episode 1

Video Thumbnail 02Episode 2

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Episode 3

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Episode 4



Erik, Josh, and Richard are all looking forward to graduation. The biggest hurdle standing between them and their degree is a required Women’s Studies course that they’re all about to fail. Their professor gives them one last chance to gain a passing grade by presenting at the upcoming Women’s History Seminar being run by her teacher’s assistant, Sarah. They take on the task, fighting to overcome their own ignorance and make something worthy of presenting while Sarah strives to make sure her seminar is perfect. They all clash in a battle of the sexes that should have them on the same side. 


Character Bios:

Tyler's Char 2

Richard Greenwood:

Son of a self-made millionaire, Richard is egotistical, self-absorbed, and openly sexist. His hostile nature is usually played down by the fact that he only spends time with men and has his nose to his phone. Believing he is better than everyone else, Richard doesn’t care what people think of him.

Eli's Char

Josh Kyle:

Nothing screams country more than Joshua’s overalls as this young man steps outside of the comfort of his farm life to be the first in his family to go to college. Joshua is afraid of people looking down on him and not taking him seriously.

Brent Char

Erik Johnson:

A wishful thinking jock, Erik is used to people doing things for him. His easy going attitude is often the glue that holds together conflicting personalities. Erik tends to surround himself with people who argue because he mediates people well.

Sarah Joisie's Char

Sarah Blum:

Teacher's Assistant of the Year, Sarah is a passionate and knowledgeable leader. Her dedicated attitude is sometimes seen as "pushy". Sarah has many accomplishments under her belt.

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