Seven reasons why Education Abroad is worth it.

UW-River Falls
3 min readOct 26, 2016

You’ve been thinking of studying abroad, but you aren’t sure whether or not to commit. It’s literally a life-changing decision. But that’s the thing: we believe studying abroad will change your life in all the right ways.

Here’s why.

1. Money doesn’t matter (that much).

Yes, we know that money is extremely important, but these memories are truly priceless. This might be your only opportunity to travel the world, so don’t let money hold you back. Contact the Financial Aid Office in order to make this possible. There are several different options — one might fit you! Many students use grants, savings, and scholarships to make this happen.

2. Form friendships from around the world.

Is your new best friend across the ocean? One of the unique parts of studying abroad is that you find people who aren’t all that different than you are and learn to appreciate the ones that are.

3. Learn along the way.

Of course you will learn insightful information during your classes, but you’ll also learn about a new language, a new culture, and a new way of living life! Maybe you’ll learn how to climb a mountain or how to eat frog legs without a funny face.

4. Explore the world.

This is kinda obvious, but think about it. You will actually be able to see, feel, touch, hear, and even taste things that most people are only able to see through photos or videos. That’s insane.

5. Discover yourself, too!

Isn’t that what college is all about? Find yourself in places you never thought possible.

6. Open different doors.

Studying abroad gives you a unique edge when applying for internships or a future career. You never know what people it might connect you to or the doors it might open down the road.

7. Return with no regrets.

But don’t just take our word for it. Here’s former Falcons talking about their education abroad experience:

“Studying abroad was, no matter how cliché it sounds, the best experience of my life thus far. I learned so much about myself and other people and had so much fun with all the opportunities that were provided. Everything I did just made the experience so worth it.” -Arianna, 2016 UWRF Graduate

“I am so thankful that I got this opportunity through River Falls because it changed my life.” -Ryan, 2013 UWRF Graduate

Have you decided yet? Or is it just a matter of where? For questions and more information about opportunities, visit the Office of International Education in 102 Hagestad Hall, or email

Fly far, but always remember where your home is.



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