University Police

Crime Prevention Tips

  1. Drink Responsibly. Don't do anything with alcohol or drugs that could compromise your abilities or judgment.
  2. If you must walk (especially after dark) from place to place on campus or from a River Falls establishment, travel in pairs or groups. Walk in well lighted areas. Do not travel alone.
  3. Call and let friends know that you are leaving and when to expect you back. If leaving a family or friends home call them when you arrival back safely to campus.
  4. Pay attention and report unusual behaviors or suspicious people. On campus call the University Police Department @ 715-425-3133. Off campus dial 911.
  5. Have a plan and trust your instincts.
  6. Do NOT go with anyone you do not know, never go to a secondary location with someone you don't know and TRUST.
  7. If a suspicious person (or someone you know) is attempting to take you from your location ATTRACT attention, yell, scream and do what is necessary to get others to come to your assistance.
  8. If you are able take some type of action to free yourself. You must make this judgment for yourself and take action if it is safe to do so.