AASA is a social and academic community of students who want to gain and/or promote Asian cultures to the community. They hope to develop relationships, support, and leadership skills that will prepare students after their college career.
We are an identity based organization which focuses on group unity and educating students about African American history and culture. We encourage our members to achieve their goals while providing an insightful and welcoming social environment. Our mission is to create awareness at our university, support African Americans, provide students with effective communication, and guarantee a prosperous social and academic college experience.
The purpose of the UW-River Falls Gender and Sexuality Alliance is to provide a social, emotional, and educational support group for the gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, pansexual, intersex, ally, asexual and two-spirit population on campus. The Gender and Sexuality Alliance will also act as an educational organization to provide a greater awareness of the issues that concern the members themselves, the university, and the surrounding community.
We would like to share Korean culture and other countries culture. Everyone can join our group if you are interested in sharing cultures!
The Latinx Student Organization invites you to join us! We are an organization made of a plethora of Latino cultures. Come have fun in delighting yourself in a rich exposure to authentic Latino traditions and customs.
Our mission is to:
1. Educate students on their resources for campus safety and the importance of utilizing those resources, as well as ways to practice personal safety;
2. Provide awareness and education for all sexes and genders on the issues of rape, consent, safe sex, personal responsibility for one's own actions, and treating others with respect, both body and mind;
3. Connect and unite students from every end of the gender spectrum in order to provide a safe, strong, respectful and fun community;
4. Educate people on contemporary gender roles, gender stereotypes, the root causes of gender stereotyping, and the impacts of rigid gender roles; and
5. Help break down gender roles and work against the impacts of rigid gender roles in students' lives.