
Chemistry Program

Chemistry Program

The University of Wisconsin - River Falls has several emphases for a student interested in majoring in Chemistry.


This is the most traditional chemistry major, preparing you for a career in Chemistry or related fields or for graduate study. Our curriculum gives you significant flexibility compared to other institutions, with opportunities for several Chemistry electives to fulfill your major requirements.


The American Chemical Society certified Biochemistry major is similar to the Chemistry major listed above, but with an emphasis in Biochemistry. You'll have a number of options for courses including electives in Chemistry or Biology.

Biochemistry (Preprofessional) 

The preprofessional Biochemistry major is a streamlined program designed to fulfill the admissions requirements for medical, veterinary, or pharmacy school. It is also appropriate if you're interested in Biochemistry, but would like additional flexibility to take more courses in Biology or related fields.

Chemistry Teacher Education

The education option Chemistry major is designed for prospective secondary school teachers. The curriculum is planned so as to give you a broad general science education, a specialized preparation in chemistry and professional training necessary for effective teaching.

Dual Degree (Engineering)

Earn a Bachelor of Science degree in Applied Physics for Industry and Engineering (APIE) or Chemistry from UW-River Falls and an ABET-accredited Bachelor of Science degree in engineering from one of our partner schools: University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, University of Wisconsin–Madison, University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee or University of Minnesota-Duluth. After three years of coursework at UW-River Falls and two years of upper-level engineering coursework at one of our partner schools, students are awarded a bachelor’s degree from UWRF and a bachelor’s degree in engineering from the partner school. Graduates with both engineering and physics degrees have found they stand out when they apply for jobs, graduate school, and promotions.

Pre-professional (Premedical, Preveterinary, Prepharmacy)

Pre-professional programs aren't designated majors but a series of courses that prepare you for medical, veterinary, or pharmacy school.  You can major in any field so long as you have the required courses, but a Chemistry major is a popular major for students wishing to go on for further study. Since the pre-professional requirements vary, students and their advisers should study the catalog of the institutions to which they wish to apply. The faculty of the Chemistry Department will help you to select appropriate courses and will contact professional schools to help select what courses are most appropriate for your chosen field.