Majors & Minors

Conservation and Environmental Planning 4-Year Academic Plans

  Fall Semester Spring Semester
Freshman Year

ENGL 100 Academic Reading and Writing (CW) – 3
ESM 105 Introduction to Environmental Studies (EC)  – 3
MATH 146 College Algebra (M) – 3
SOIL 120 Introduction to Soil Science - 3
General Education class (SB or HF) – 3

Total semester credits – 15

ENGL 200 Reading, Writing and the Disciplines (CA) – 3
BIOL 150 General Biology (SI)  - 3
ESM 109 Introduction to Forestry - 2
GIS 250 Introduction to Geographic Informaton Science - 3
HEAL 108 Health and Fitness for Life (HW) - 1
General Education class (SB or HF) – 3

Total semester credits – 15

Sophomore Year

COMS 101 Fundamentals of Oral Communication OR Gen Ed CS- 3
CHEM 115 Concepts in General Chemistry (SI)  – 4
ESM 151 Intro to Land Use Planning and Theory - 3
ESM 245 Foundations of Ecological Restoration - 2 
General Education class (SB or HF) - 3

Total semester credits – 15

CHEM 215 Chemistry Laboratory Concepts and Techniques - 1
AGEC 230 Agricultural Economics I – 3
BIOL 210 General Botany OR BIOL 230 General Zoology - 3
ESM 220 Environmental Sustainability - 3
GEOL 101 Intro to Geology - 3
General Education class (SB or HF) – 3

Total semester credits – 16

Junior Year

BIOL 360 Ecology - 3
ESM 303 Environmental Policies and Administration - 3
ESM 360 Applied Hydrology and Water Quality - 4
Physical Science Elective - 3
Ecological Restoration Elective - 3

Total semester credits – 16

University Req Global Perspectives (GP) - 3
Quantitative Science - 3
Ecology Elective - 3
Ecological Restoration Elective - 3
Skills and Tecniques Elective - 1

Total semester credits – 13

Senior Year

AGEC 445 / ESM 445 Land Use and Sustainable Agriculture Law – 3
Quantitative Science - 6
Ecological Restoration Elective - 3
Skills and Techniques Elective - 1

Total semester credits – 13

ESM 485 Seminar: Resource Management – 1
SOIL 440 Soil and Water Conservation – 4
University Req American Cultural Diversity (ACD) - 3
Ecology Elective – 3
Skills and Techniques Elective - 1
Skills and Techniques Elective - 1

Total semester credits – 13

Summary of Degree Requirements

University Requirements – 6 cr.
General Education – 35 cr.
Core – 23 cr.
Required Supporting Courses – 10 cr.
Ecological Restoration Option – 22 cr.
Directed Electives – 15 cr.
General Electives – 9 cr.
Credits to Degree – 120 cr.

ESM 270 Internship I – 4: Usually taken by the student during the summer after the freshman, sophomore, or junior year.

This academic plan is an example of how students might choose to fulfill program requirements within a period of four years. After consulting with their advisers, students may make other course choices which would meet the program requirements and be more suitable for them.

  Fall Semester Spring Semester
Freshman Year

ENGL 100 Academic Reading and Writing (CW) – 3
ESM 105 Introduction to Environmental Studies (EC) - 3
MATH 146 College Algebra (M) - 3
SOIL 120 Introduction to Soil Science - 3
General Education class (SB or HF) – 3

Total semester credits – 15

ENGL 200 Reading, Writing and the Disciplines (CA) - 3
BIOL 150 General Biology (SI) - 3
ESM 109 Introduction to Forestry - 2
GIS 250 Intro to Geographic Information Science - 3
HEAL 108 Health and Fitness for Life (HW) - 1
General Education class (SB or HF) - 3

Total semester credits – 15


COMS 101 Fundamentals of Oral Communication OR Gen Ed CS- 3
CHEM 115 Concepts in General Chemistry (SI) - 4
ESM 151 Intro to Land Use Theory and Practice - 3
ESM 245 Foundations of Ecological Restoration - 2
Skills and Techniques Elective - 1
General Education class (SB or HF) - 3

Total semester credits  – 16

ESM 220 Environmental Sustainability - 3
AGEC 230 Agricultural Economics I – 3
CHEM 215 Chemistry Laboratory Concepts and Techniques – 1
BIOL 210 General Botany OR BIOL 230 General Zoology - 3
General Education class (SB or HF) – 3

Total semester credits  – 13

Junior Year

BIOL 360 - Ecology -3
ESM 303 Enviromental Policies and Administration - 3
ESM 360 Applied Hydrology and Water Quality - 4
AGEC 450 Intro to Natural Resource Economics - 3
Ecological Restoration Elective - 3

Total semester credits – 16

ESM 333 Remote Sensing OR ESM 363 GIS Applications in Natural Resources – 3
University Req Global Perspectives (GP) - 3
Directed Elective Courses – 6
Ecological Restoration Elective - 3

Total semester credits – 15

Senior Year

AGEC 445 / ESM 445 Land Use and Sustainable Agricultural Law – 3
BIOL 344 Wildlife Biology - 4
GENG 235 Surveying - 3
Directed Elective Course – 3
Skills and Techniques Elective – 1

Total semester credits – 14

ESM 485 Seminar: Resource Management – 1
SOIL 440 Soil and Water Conservation - 4
University Req American Cultural Diversity (ACD) - 3
Directed Elective Course - 3
Skills and Techniques Elective – 1

Total semester credits – 12

Summary of Requirements 

University Requirements – 6 cr.
General Education – 35 cr.
Core – 23 cr.
Required Supporting Courses – 10 cr.
Environmental Conservation Option – 20 cr.
Directed Electives – 15 cr.
General Electives – 11 cr.
Credits to Degree – 120 cr.

ESM 270 Internship I – 4: Usually taken by the student during the summer after the freshman, sophomore, or junior year.

This academic plan is an example of how students might choose to fulfill program requirements within a period of four years. After consulting with their advisers, students may make other course choices which would meet the program requirements and be more suitable for them.

  Fall Semester Spring Semester

ENGL 100 Academic Reading and Writing (CW) - 3
ESM 105 Introduction to Environmental Studies (EC) - 3
MATH 146 General Algebra (M) - 3
SOIL 120 Introduction to Soil Science - 3
General Education class (SB or HW) - 3

Total semester credits - 15

ENGL 200 Reading, Writing and the Disciplines (CA) - 3
BIOL 150 General Biology (SI) - 3
ESM 109 Introduction to Forestry - 2
GIS 250 - Introduction to Geographic Information Science - 3
HEAL 108 Health and Fitness for Life (HW) - 1
General Education class (SB or HF) - 3

Total semester credits - 15


COMS 101 Fundamentals of  Communication OR Gen Ed CS - 3 
CHEM 115 Concepts in General Chemistry (SI) - 4
ESM 151 Intro to Land Use Theory and Practice - 3
ESM 245 Foundations of Ecological Restoration - 2
General Education class (SB or HF) - 3

Total semester credits - 15 

 CHEM 215 Chemistry laboratory Concepts and Techniques - 1
AGEC 230 Agricultural Economics I - 3
BIOL 210 General Botany OR BIOL 230 General Zoology - 3
ESM 220 Environmental Sustainability - 3
GIS 351 Map Design - 3
General Education class (SB or HF) - 3

Total semester credits - 16 


BIOL 360 Ecology - 3
ESM 303 Environmental Policies and Administration
ESM 360 Applied Hydrology and Water Quality - 4
CIDS 151 Introduction to Programming - 3
GENG 235 Surveying - 3

Total semester credits - 16

GIS 360 GIS: Theory and Methods - 3
University Req Global Perspectives (GP) - 3
Geospatial App. Elective - 3
Design Elective - 3
Directed Elective - 2

Total semester credits - 14


Quantiative Analysis Elective - 3
Geospatial App. Elective - 3
Geospatial App. Elective - 3
Directed Elective - 3

Total semester credits - 12

GEOG 265 Spatial Justice (ACD) - 3
ESM 485 Seminar in Resource Management - 1
SOIL 440 Soil and Water Conservation - 4
GIS 460 GIS: Analysis and Modeling - 3
Geospatial App. Elective - 3

Total semester credits - 14 

Summary of Degree Requirements

University Requirements – 6 cr.
General Education – 35 cr.
Core – 23 cr.
Required Supporting Courses – 10 cr.
Environmental Conservation Option – 20 cr.
Directed Electives – 15 cr.
General Electives – 11 cr.

Credits to Degree – 120 cr.

ESM 270 Internship I – 4: Usually taken by the student during the summer after the freshman, sophomore, or junior year.

This academic plan is an example of how students might choose to fulfill program requirements within a period of four years. After consulting with their advisers, students may make other course choices which would meet the program requirements and be more suitable for them.


  Fall Semester Spring Semester

ENGL 100 Academic Reading and Writing (CW) - 3
ESM 105 Introduction to Environmental Studies (EC) - 3
MATH 146 College Algebra (M) - 3
SOIL 120 Introduction to Soil Science - 3
General Education class (SB or HF) - 3

Total semester credits - 15

ENGL 200 Reading, Writing and the Disciplines (CA) - 3
BIOL 150 General Biology (SI) - 3
ESM 109 Introduction to Forestry - 2
GIS 250 Introduction to Geographic Information Science - 3
HEAL 108 Health and Fitness for Life (HW) - 1
General Education class (SB or HF) - 3

Total semester credits - 15


COMS 101 Fundametnals of Oral Communication or Gen Ed CS - 3
CHEM 115 Concepts in General Chemistry (SI) - 4
ESM 151 Intro to Land Use Theory and Practice - 3
ESM 245 Foundations of Ecological Restoration - 3
General Education class (SB or HF) - 3

Total semester credits -

GEOL 150 Global Change - 3
CHEM 215 Chemistry Laboratory Concepts and Techniques - 1
BIOL 210 General Botany OR BIOL 230 General Zoology - 3
ESM 220 Environmental Sustainability - 3
Outdoor Leadership Elective - 3
Outdoor Leadership Elective - 3

Total semester credits -


BIOL 360 Ecology - 3
ESM 303 Environmental Policies and Administration - 3
ESM 360 Applied Hydrology and Water Quality - 4
BIOL 103 Fundamentals of Biological Evolution - 3
Ecological Restoration Elective - 3

Total semester credits - 16

GEOL 250 Geological Destinies of Nations (GP) - 3
Ecological Restoration Elective - 3
Organismal Biology Elective - 3
Env. History - 3
General Education class (SB or HF) - 3

Total semester credits - 15


Organismal Biology Elective - 3
Com. and Outreach Elective - 3
AGEC 230 - Agricultural Economics I - 3
Outdoor Leadership Elective - 3

Total semester credits - 12

University Req American Cultural Diversity (ACD) - 3
ESM 485 Seminar: Resources Management - 1
SOIL 440  Soil and Water Conservation - 4
Com. and Outreach Elective - 3
Env. History - 3

Total semester credits - 14

Summary of Degree Requirements

University Requirements – 6 cr.
General Education – 35 cr.
Core – 23 cr.
Required Supporting Courses – 10 cr.
Environmental Conservation Option – 20 cr.
Directed Electives – 15 cr.
General Electives – 11 cr.

Credits to Degree – 120 cr.

ESM 270 Internship I – 4: Usually taken by the student during the summer after the freshman, sophomore, or junior year.

This academic plan is an example of how students might choose to fulfill program requirements within a period of four years. After consulting with their advisers, students may make other course choices which would meet the program requirements and be more suitable for them.